The Families
1921 Census
Jarratts Buildings - The People
Jarratts Families
1921 Census
On census night, 52 houses were occupied. Half of them had a head of house, or spouse, whose connection to Jarratts went back at least twenty years.
The tendency for groups of families to live on the site remained strong, although the presenting surnames had changed. Booths, Harpers, Brannnons and Thompsons were descendents of Benjamin Winder.
Joseph Milward was a descendant of the Whiteleys. Some members of the Glover, Hammond, Kilner, Pickering and Stanley families could trace their ancestry back to Martha Whiteley by her first marriage.

The predominant surname on the site was Fallis, with links to four houses. William Fallis lived at No 9 with his partner Grace McDonald, described by the couple on the census form as ‘unmarried wife.’ The enumerator had changed this to housekeeper. At No 11 was brother James Fallis with his family and at No 28 was another brother, Jacob Fallis with a young family. At No 38 was their redoubtable mother Frances, now married to Jonathan Gawthorpe, and her son Thomas Fallis.
In an arrangement that may have raised the eyebrows of more than the census enumerator, the McDonalds were also linked to four houses. Whilst Grace McDonald, (nee Beevers) apparently lived in sin at No 9 with William Fallis, her husband George, who described himself as a widower, lived at No 35 with two of the couple’s children, and Grace’s daughter from her first marriage. Their eldest son, Albert lived at No 40. Martha Pickering, one of Grace’s sisters lived at No 50.
- Aaron Kilner 1835-1866 1856 to 1866 Mary Rogers 1841-1918
- John Kilner 1862-1935 1884 to 1924 Selina Crossley 1866-1924
- Charlotte Kilner 1891-19311919 to 1934Edward Stanley 1890-1950
- Martha Kilner 1865-1934 1892 to 1934 Walter Hammond 1863-1938
- Mary Hammond 1895-????1917 to 19??Albert Goddard ????-????
- Two Others
With links to three houses was Walter Hammond at No 3. He was the brother of Albert Hammond at No 10, and brother-in-law of John Kilner at No 13. Several families occupied two houses. Samuel Fox at No 5 was the son of Charles Fox at No 32. Newcomers George Hinchcliffe at 15 and Charles Grimshaw at No 17 were half brothers. Catherine Bennett at No 19 was the mother of Edward Stanley at No 44. At Nos 21 and 22, newcomers, the Allens and Beachills were related by the marriage of a daughter and son respectively. Another pair of newcomers were father and son Thomas and James Scanlan at Nos 42 and 43.
Some of the newly arrived families may have come to the area to work in the coal mines, replacing miners who had volunteered to fight in 1914. Parish records suggest that some of them had been on the site for five or more years. Of the newly arrived, some became part of the community with children marrying into established families in the 1920s and 1930s. Half a dozen appear to have been peripatetic, moving on again after a few years.
The 1921 census reveals the impact of the Great War on the community. The Finan / Stanley family was less prominent on the site after the death of two sons. Widowed and elderly, Caroline Bowring at No 14 had become responsible for two great nephews and a great niece, following the death of their mother shortly after the birth of the youngest child and the death of their father on the Somme. Catherine
Bennett, and her husband were bringing up her grandson whose father had died in the conflict. Charles Grimshaw at No 17 had given a home to his war-widowed sister and her three young children.
The fact that a surname was not reflected in a census was not an indication that a family had irrevocably left the site. The McDonalds who were not there in 1911 had returned by 1921. The Whiteley’s had again left, but would return subsequently as would the Howsons.