The Families
Jarratts Buildings - The People
Jarratts Families
Clan Networks
Many of the Jarratts families were related to each other, with two separate dynasties, the Winders and the Whiteleys occupying the building across several decades. There were also a few temporary dynasties which formed and then dissipated. The Winder surname had disappeared from the site by the twentieth century but a network of cousins developed through the marriages of daughters and granddaughters into other Jarratts families. The Whiteleys occupied the site from beginning to end, again marrying into other Jarratts families. Not all the relationships are obvious from the census as the line of descent is through daughters in several instances. Jarratts families regularly married into families which did not live on the site and the interrelatedness of so many residents appears to be the consequence of the site being small and several of the occupants having large families. I do not know how typical of similar communities the extent of the connections between the households is.
The 1861 census reveals that the networks were already forming. It seems probable that some families without local connections may have found life at the 54 intimidating and several seem to have spent only a short time there.
There were some complicated family relationships. These appear to result from short life expectancy and the tendency of widows and widowers to find a second partner.
Use the links on the left to explore the family relationships.
Census returns and BMD and parish records are the main source material. The 1921 census is not yet available. I would be delighted to hear from anyone who can clarify or add detail and extend my thanks to a few people who have given me information. I have standardised the spelling of names.