The Families
1871 Census
Jarratts Buildings - The People
Jarratts Families
1871 Census
Between the 1861 and 1871 censuses, some families moved to other accommodation in and around Worsborough. This may indicate that they now worked at a different pit. There were several marriages and deaths and some families who were not local appear to have moved out of the area completely. Predominantly in the middle of the site, a large group which was linked by birth and marriage had developed.
The Whiteley family now had links to ten houses.

Martha Whiteley, now a widow, still lived at No 22. William Cauldwell had married Martha’s daughter Eliza (nee Rogers) and the couple had three young children. They had been joined by Harriet Armstrong, who was Eliza's sister. Also lodging at No 22 was Tom Bowring.
Jacob and Ann Pickering had moved to No 50, probably signifying that Jacob was a pit foreman. Eliza Pickering, who had been widowed in the Edmunds Main pit explosion of 1862 was now at No 30 and worked as a char woman to support her children.
George and Ellen Whiteley were still at No 27, which they shared with their daughters and sons-in-law. Harriet was married to William Milward and Elizabeth to James Davis. Their widowed daughter Mary Ann Hitchen lived at No 28 where she was the housekeeper to Thomas Muscroft.
- George Whiteley 1801-1871 1825 to 1871 Ellen Ward 1800-1871
- Elizabeth Whiteley 1842-1920 1863 to 1920 James Davis 1840-1920
- Harriet Whiteley 1848-???? ???? to ???? William Milward
George and Ellen’s son, James lodged at No 15 with his wife, Maria (nee Hodgson). Maria’s mother Rebecca Hodgson still lived at No 14. Rebecca’s nephew, William Carr and his wife Mary (nee Fleetwood) were at no 6.
Another lodger at No 27 was James Lindley. A couple who may be his parent James Lindley and his wife Rachel (nee Ellis) were at No 30.
The Winders occupied four houses. Although Henry Winder had moved towards Ardsley, Ann Pashley, whose second husband had been John Winder, now lived at No 52 with children from her three marriages. Baptism records from 1855 onwards show that several of the children of Ann and third husband Thomas Pashley had been born before the couple married in 1861. William Winder remained at No 54, with his second wife Mary (nee Thompson, then Gawthorpe). There were twelve children in the house, aged between 18 and 1 year old. Three children appear to be from William’s first marriage, five were from Mary’s and four were from the second marriage.
William’s sister Susan Christopher was at No 9. She had moved from No 18. It may be that No 9 was a lighter house as it was not facing the high retaining wall. Susan’s son. Arthur Booth was living with her and she had six lodgers, two of whom were her nephews. Although Harriet Mayo (nee Winder) had moved off the site, her eldest son, Job Siddons was now the tenant of No 3 with his wife and daughter.
The Ibbersons also occupied three houses.
George Ibberson was at No 1. Living in the house, ostensibly as housekeeper was Mary Ann Mann and her young son. Mary Ann’s parents James and Martha were now at No 43. William Ibberson, who appears to be George’s brother and his wife Alice were at No 33.The Beevers family occupied four houses.
Joseph Beevers, his wife Hannah (nee Silverwood) and two sons were at No 15, which they shared with lodgers. Joseph's brother,Samuel, his wife, Sarah Agnes (nee Jones) and five children lived at No 26 with four lodgers, whilst Thomas and Sarah Beevers were still at No 53. Thomas was the uncle of Samuel and Joseph. The Beevers were originally from Silkstone, a village about five miles away. Ann Pashley at No 52 was Thomas's sister, linking the Beevers and Winder families on the site.
The Glovers remained at No 42 where they had been joined by their eldest daughter’s husband and the couple’s four children,
A few long-standing residents had arrived by the 1871 census.
Wright and Esther Bower (nee Kendal) were at No 7, probably a very recent arrival.
Thomas and Louisa Grist were at No 10, together with seven sons.
Andrew and Ann Winter (previously Bagshaw) were at No 17, with 9 children, some from both parents’ first marriages.
Two men, each named George Swift, were at No 20 and No 40 respectively. The census enumerator probably made an error as both families had four sons of identical name and age.
Joseph Howson and his wife Jane were at No 21.
In 1871, all the houses seem to be occupied by men who worked at the pit, or by miners’ widows who were allowed to keep the house if they provided lodgings for miners. Five houses were unoccupied on census night.