Breach of Promise to Marry Research

My research for Breach of Promise to Marry was carried out from July 2012 - May 2013. A substantial amount of the material used in the book was drawn from accounts of court cases in contemporary newspapers which had been digitised.
In the time since the book research ended, many more newspapers have become available on-line. The number of cases 1781-1940 that I am aware of has now increased from 1,124 to 2,620 at the time of writing.
Several newspapers from the eighteenth century are now available on-line, revealing new information about breach of promise in the decades before 1780. This has enabled me to gain a much more detailed understanding of the early years of this claim.
In this Breach of Promise research section I am planning to post information to supplement the conclusions I put forward in the book.
Click on the links on the left to discover more.